Tong Ren Acupuncture Body Model [Doll]


This is a convenient full body acupuncture model with customized Tong Ren Distance Healing Therapy points and used by thousands of people all over the world. This model primarily has the Tam Healing system points along the neck and spine, on the brain, as well as our proprietary points such as the TianDong point, the  Vertebral artery point. It also includes a few commonly used powerful acupuncture points such as st36, lv3 and kd1. (Variations of the doll exist)

SKU: TTS1004 Category: Tags: , ,


This is a customized proprietary model with the Tam Healing Points on it as used in the Tam Healing System.

This is used with the Tongren Tapping Methodology.

Additional information

Weight 24 oz