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Why Join this workshop?
- Take Your Tong Ren Distance Healing to the Next Level
- Collaborate with fellow practitioner
- Learn the the 2 simple approaches and targets for all diseases
- Learn advanced bioelectricity support with craniosacral targeting (CSF)
- Learn Chinese Medicine (TCM) Power Points to tap
- Learn the 5 systems approach for thorough healing
- Learn 6 advanced disease protocol strategies
- Discuss the progress or questions about your actual previous or current cases
- Learn to enhance treatments, when appropriate, by integrating nutrition, heat therapy, earthen clay, cleansing, light or herbal support
How It Works!
- People join online
- We use zoom and will send you all the information to signing up
- We see each other on the computer – if desired
- I give an introductory lecture on the advanced point location and system details and science
- We work with each other to find what area I can help with in their practice
- As a group – we treat each other, discuss testimonials and experience giving and receiving a treatment
Who should join this workshop?
- Tong Ren Practitioners
- People that have worked with Tong Ren for a long time
We offer lots of options!
For people with supplies, Or Getting them After The Workshop
- Option #1 $95 – Workshop Alone
- Option #2 $120 – Workshop with Laser
- Option #3 $175 – Workshop with Books
- Option #4 $275 – Workshop with Lifetime Online Course
- Option #5 $350 – Workshop with Books and Lifetime Online 2-Course Bundle
Training Presenter: Joseph Lucier AOBTA
- Tui Na: Licensed Medical Massage Therapist over 25 years (AOBTA) (AnusaraWellness.com)
- Tong Ren: Distance healing practitioner with worldwide clients
- 8-Time Author: Tam Healing System Illustrated Anatomy and Healing Strategies, The Nature of Cancer, The Truth about Depression, Bioelectricity the Forgotten Paradigm, Disease Prevention; 101 Scientific Facts and the Dairy Contrarian, the Anusara Wellness Path to Wellness
- Cleanse Coach: Live Course, Supplies and Support – 7 day program and 14 day program by group or individual private program
- Founder: Anusara Path to Wellness, Anusara Wellness Training Academy and International Wellness Center
Register Here