Oxygen, Cell and Light Medicine

The Root of All Healing



Our earth is about 4.5 billion years old. In the beginning, there were no living creatures at all and for the first 2 billion years, there was actually no oxygen on the earth. When the earliest living things came along, before the arrival of available oxygen, it was in the form of bacteria, and they were mostly in the oceans. They were anaerobic (living without oxygen being needed) in a time without oxygen present in the atmosphere. 

Then, a new type of bacteria came about and it had oxygen as its waste product and released oxygen to the local environment. Since the original bacteria did not like oxygen since it was toxic to them, and preferred the no-oxygen world, as the oxygen producers increased more and more, the original oxygen-averse bacteria died off in the first catastrophic die off of a species ever. It was called, the Great Oxygenation Event.

Let me tell you about a catastrophe. I don’t use that word lightly: This event was monumental, an apocalypse that was literally global in scale, and one of the most deadly disasters in Earth’s history.

It began about 2.5 billion years ago (though opinions vary). The Earth was very different then. There were no leafy plants, no animals, no insects. Although there may have been some bacterial life on land, it was the oceans that teemed with it, and even there, life was far simpler than it is today. Most of the bacteria thriving on Earth were anaerobic, literally metabolizing their food without oxygen.

But then an upstart appeared, and things changed. This new life came in the form of cyanobacteria, sometimes called blue-green algae.

Cyanobacteria are photosynthetic. They convert sunlight into energy and produce oxygen as a waste product. Back then, the Earth’s atmosphere didn’t have free oxygen in it as it does today. It was locked up in water molecules, or bonded to iron in minerals. [1]

Image result for photosynthesis cyanobacteria

Animals need oxygen. “You cannot evolve animals like us without having a significant amount of oxygen,” says geochemist Dick Holland of Harvard University. “Without the Great Oxidation Event [a dramatic rise of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere some 2.3 billion years ago], we would not be here. No dinosaurs, no fish, no snakes – just a lot of microorganisms.”

Oxygen has not always been as abundant as it is today. Most scientists believe that for half of Earth’s 4.6-billion-year history, the atmosphere contained almost no oxygen.

Cyanobacteria or blue-green algae became the first microbes to produce oxygen by photosynthesis, perhaps as long ago as 3.5 billion years ago and certainly by 2.7 billion years ago. But, mysteriously, there was a long lag time – hundreds of millions of years – before Earth’s atmosphere first gained significant amounts oxygen, some 2.4 billion to 2.3 billion years ago. [2]

The appearance of oxygen on our globe induced profound changes in the nature of living systems which started to differentiate and build complex structures with complex functions. Oxidation was added to fermentation and unbridled proliferation was subjected to regulation. Fermentation demanded no structure, being the result of the action of a series of single molecules. Oxidation, with its electron flow, demanded structure and electronic mobility. To produce meaningful structures and complex functions the action of the single molecules had to be integrated. The question is: how could oxygen bring about these transformations? [2]


As we said, oxygen is critical for life. For us, imagine holding our breath for even just 15 minutes, pretty much impossible. To optimize health and use this fundamental element and critical source of energy best, we need these simple understandings as to how to opyimize oxygen in our bodies and understand its importance. Let’s go step by step and follow the journey of oxygen from the air or food, to our cells and even further into the internal components of the cells, their organelles. 

  1. FROM OUTSIDE – First, the obvious, it needs to be available in abundant amounts. We need oxygen to survive and if there is a lack of available oxygen in the environment, we will not be healthy. The two main areas are:
    1. The air we breath
    2. The food we eat and an abundance of water (hydrogen and oxygen) and iron-rich foods
  2. TO THE INSIDE – From the outside environment, oxygen travels into our bodies. They key is efficiency and opportunity and starts with overall good health and a good diet. It starts with our breathing capacity, our blood circulation, then ultimately the oxygen goes into the cell and then to the internal cellular component called the mitochondria (the cell mini-organ or organelle) the energy power plant of each cell. 

The simple goal to optimize our health, is to get oxygen into the body, then into the cells (without being oxidized by free radicals), then combine with glucose, utilize electrons to increase energy output, and overall form energy so the body can do work like moving, building tissue, beating the heart, thinking, processing food etc. Let’s look at these areas in detail.

The ability to maintain oxygen homeostasis is essential for the survival of all living species. The physiological systems that ensure optimal oxygenation and energy supply for all cells in a living organism involve complex anatomical and physiological infrastructures that are present in all living things. Under physiological conditions, an adequate supply of oxygen is adequately provided by maintaining adequate circulation, However, if blood flow cannot be adequately provided, massive cell death and brain damages results. In aged individuals, the gradual rise in plasma osmolality [blood thickness] increases the viscosity of the circulating blood, leading to gradual perfusion failure of the red blood cells and a resulting failure to deliver oxygen and essential nutrients. [4]

Let’s take the oxygen journey even further with more detail and see just how oxygen plays a role in our survival and functioning in all areas.


Getting external oxygen into the body from the environment is where it all begins for us. We get our oxygen primarily by breathing. Best ways to manage this is to have fresh air as much as possible, air purifiers or negative ion air purifying devices when available, or increasing oxygen intake through exercise and lung conditioning in order to increase oxygen in the body.

Exercise and Lung Training

  1. Yoga – Stretching and deliberate strategic movement opens pathways for blood flow and oxygen (qi or prana) to flow properly – there are also proactive targeted breathing exercises
  2. Breathwork – actively adds extreme breathing to oxygenate the body as well as lung training
  3. Swimming – a gentle exercise that not only gently massages the body without heavy resistance, but also strengthens the lungs and organs
  4. Taiji Quan (Tai Chi)
  5. Rebounding – personal trampolines
  6. Frolov Device – Training the lungs and diaphragm to optimize oxygen and CO2 balance


After oxygen enters the body, it needs to deal with the thick environment of the viscosity (thickness) of the blood. As time went on, techniques developed to improve the oxygen delivery efficiency. it is primarily distributed by red blood cells and the critical element to make this successful is iron in the red blood cell’s hemoglobin. Foods high in iron like leafy greens, nuts, and sea vegetables are helpful for this. Then, the blood is pumped by the heart. It is well known that vitamin K2 as well as healthy omega 3 fats, abundant electrolytes (electrically charged minerals) like magnesium and calcium, greatly improves this too. And ideally, the blood is not too thick (high osmolality) and the blood is well hydrated. Then, the delivery is improved if the blood vessels are supple and well opened and flexible allowing for good blood flow in the arteries and also a healthy heart. This is done through foods which promote nitric oxide like beets, nutrient-dense foods for overall heart health and even just being well hydrated.

As luck would have it, humans have evolved an elaborate method for carrying oxygen molecules through the blood. Iron and protein coordinate together to transport oxygen throughout the body, delivering it to every cell in the body. There, oxygen’s long journey will come to an end. To reach this final destination, however, we need a protein-metal complex that escorts oxygen through the blood. [5]

Low iron levels are the most common nutritional cause of low blood oxygen — and one of the most common causes, period, according to Stanford Blood Center. Your red blood cells are full of iron, which is found in a protein called hemoglobin. This iron binds to oxygen from the air you breathe, carries it throughout your body and releases it so it can enter your cells and tissues. Low iron levels — a condition that affects one-third of regular blood donors, according to Harvard Medical School — reduce the amount of oxygen in your blood. [6]

Beets are rich in natural chemicals called nitrates. Through a chain reaction, your body changes nitrates into nitric oxide, which helps with blood flow and blood pressure [6]

Along with specific minerals like oxygen, good hydration preventing overly thick blood, and other techniques, the overall environment and state of the blood, in terms of pH or acid/alkaline balance which is also critical. this effects the bioelectricity of our organs and blood, as well as oxygen availability.

Oxygen-Friendly Environment – An Alkaline Diet

The world and our own planet is full of electromagnetic fields, electricity, and even electricity in our bodies. We have bioelectricity or charges of particles in the body just like electricity in the world around us. Atoms have charges; positive (protons) and negative (electrons). When these are balanced or paired, there is no net charge, but things change when these elements are unpaired or when electrons (negatively charged particles) are either donated or otherwise gained from other atoms, creating unpaired elements. In that case, there is a net charge because of the imbalance. This imbalance of available electrons is also called free radicals where renegade electrons damage other atoms and molecules and can cause harmful oxidation, similar to rusting. For humans, to combat this best, we use antioxidants.

This occurs regularly in our bodies and is especially important when it comes to our own blood which is very dangerous if extremely imbalanced, a person could go into a coma and die. This state can be measured by pH which stands for potential hydrogen and is basically a gauge of acidity or alkalinity. It is a scale of 0 to 14 primarily, with the higher number (higher potential hydrogen), being more acidic, 7 being neutral and 0 being the most alkaline. The perfect pH is 7.14. Too high is alkalosis and too low is acidosis.

From a technical perspective, it is about two elements, hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions:

An ion is an atom or group of atoms where the number of electrons is not equal to the number of protons. When an atom loses or gains electrons, a positive or negative charge is the result. If electrons are gained, the ion is a cation and when electrons are lost, it is an anion.

An acid is a substance that donates hydrogen ions. Because of this, when an acid is dissolved in water, the balance between hydrogen ions and hydroxide ions is shifted. … Because the base [alkaline base] “soaks up” hydrogen ions, the result is a solution with more hydroxide ions than hydrogen ions. This kind of solution is alkaline.

In simple terms, this means we are dealing with hydrogen, and whether the water environment of the hydrogen is more prominently donating or gaining electrons, negatively charged particles, and whether it is more hydrogen ions than hydroxide ions. More acidic, more hydrogen ions, more potential hydrogen or pH.

More importantly, there is a simple formula of efficiency in the body which directly impacts us tremendously which includes voltage, or the transmission of charges in the body and especially for cells.

More Acidity – Less Oxygen – Lower Voltage

More Alkalinity – More Oxygen – Higher Voltage

For us, the greatest impact on our pH is our food. Overall, a plant based alkaline, nutrient rich, iron rich, vitamin and mineral rich diet is more alkaline (more likely to supply us with oxygen) and therefore makes the body more efficient in getting oxygen into the tissues and reducing inflammation. An acidic diet is usually causing inflammation which also interferes with many functions of the body including organ, gland and cellular deficiencies. Acidity is also related to toxicity which in simplistic terms, causes inflammation and also displaces oxygen, giving less available oxygen to the various systems of the body.

Picture(Image from Weebly, https://basesproject.weebly.com/ph-and-poh.html, Acids and Bases)


There are many stages the oxygen must pass through in order to make it to its final target, the mitochondria of the cells and the energy (ATP) production phases in the mitochondria itself. ATP is simply an acronym for Adenosine Triphosphate. In simpler terms, it is like a brick of energy and is a specific quantifiable unit of energy which can be used by the body to build stuff and do work. Think of it like a battery or storehouse.

  1. Oxygen gets into the blood from breathing and is also released from our food
  2. Oxygen travels in the blood
  3. Oxygen arrives at the cellular level of tissues, nerves, muscles, organs and glands
  4. Oxygen crosses the cell membrane wall, and gets into the cell
  5. Oxygen is in the cell and then goes to the mitochondria (cellular mini-organ or organelle) and then crosses the membrane of the mitochondria to combine with glucose to activate the ATP energy making process

Health Optimization Factors

  • Cell health – Fee radicals (rogue electrons) need to be neutralized since they can combine with oxygen to form superoxide (a process like rusting). Neutralization is best done by eating an abundance of antioxidants
  • Mitochondria health – Sometimes antioxidants do not get into the mitochondria to neutralize free radicals and they need to be neutralized by an enzyme called superoxide dismutase (SOD)
  • Vegetarians have 3 times as much SOD as the standard American diet. Women have much more than men.
  • SOD is directly related to aging. We simply rust internally and then get old and importantly, we take in less oxygen and the possibility of hypoxia increases

The foods that are rich sources of SOD, such as broccoli, cabbage, or barley grass, are also good sources of the minerals (zinc, copper, and manganese) that our bodies use to make our own SOD, and this may possibly explain the slight boost in blood SOD from supplements. [wikipedia]


Optimizing Oxygenation circulation – good blood-flow and circulation. The exercises above are helpful with this but these can also be enhanced with the following

  1. Asian Bodywork and Tuina
  2. Acupuncture
  3. Heat, light and infrared therapies
  4. Exercise (see above)
  5. Nitrates and Nitric Oxide – Improved artery health and flexibility to best transport oxygen – better plumbing


  1. Cell Membrane – The basic components required to make energy are oxygen and glucose from our food. The first place oxygen as well as glucose interact with the cells is at the cellular membrane when leaving from the blood and when crossing the membrane and entering into the cells. The cell membrane is made up of fats. Therefore the better the quality of the fats in the diet, the better the capability of the oxygen and glucose to cross the cell wall and get inside. Conditions like cancer and diabetes are negatively impacted by insulin resistance or oxygen resistance since the ideally supple cell membrane is made up of healthy fats and not of poor constituents like rigid and low quality junk food and animal saturated and hydrogenated fats.
  2. Anaerobic Glycolysis – Before getting to the cellular power plant, glucose has a stage of energy production. Basic processing of glucose to form units of energy called ATP
  3. Mitochondria (organelle of the cell) – Cell energy Factory – In advanced mammals like ourselves, and additional phase of energy production exists. The results of the simple glucose processing into some ATP is combined with oxygen in the mitochondria to give even more units of energy ATP, as seen in the images below. This is the advanced Cellular respiration or the Krebbs Cycle and eventual electron transport chain.

When glucose enters a cell, it is broken down under anaerobic conditions (absence of oxygen in glycolysis) into pyruvate. Pyruvate subsequently enters the mitochondria, and is quickly oxidized, in the presence of alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), to acetyl-CoA so that it can enter the Citric Acid Cycle and produce even more energy. In aerobic [oxygen based] respiration, acetyl-CoA is then channeled into the Krebs/Citric Acid Cycle to create the reduced forms of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FADH2). NADH and FADH2 donate their electrons to the electron transport chain to make the high energy molecule ATP. This is how your body makes energy. [7]





The Nobel Prize was awarded to Dr. Peter Mitchell in 1978 for his theory of chemiosmosis. According to his model, Hydrogen is essential in the production of ATP in the mitochondria, the source of all energy in the cells, and therefore the body. This works through hydrogen dehydrogenase, a flavoprotein catalyzing the conversion of NAD+ to NADH by molecular hydrogen (H2); H2 + NAD+ → H+ + NADH.

Our body depends upon the energy gained from the food we eat. Food undergoes many processes and then finally ends in the release of ATP. Food is a primary source of hydrogen. If it is fresh and uncooked it provides an abundance of hydrogen. The hydrogen in food is tied up in complex molecules that must be metabolized (broken down) to release the hydrogen.


1. TAM MEDICAL MASSAGE THERAPY or TAM ACUPUNCTURE – Systemic body support – bioelectricity (nervous system) enhancement – The removal of blockages and resistance interfering with the resources of the body – This is accomplished by our Tam Healing System targeted medical massage therapy.

  1. Increase bioelectricity (nerve messaging system and communication)
  2. Increase blood circulation and oxygen delivery
  3. Support organ functionality and renovation
  4. Support gland functionality and renovation
  5. Boosts the immune system
  6. Releases nerve entrapment (tight muscles)
  7. Increases cellular regulation (cell pumps) with an increase in voltage – more toxins out, more oxygen in
  8. Support the gut-brain axis by working with the vagus nerve
  9. Directly supports oxygen in the body by focusing on the phrenic nerve which works with the diaphragm
  10. Improves digestion, absorption and elimination

2. EXERCISE – As we stated, exercise is our physical way to get oxygen into the body from the environment. Here are 10 Recommendations:

  1. Yoga
  2. Breathwork – extremely powerful body oxygenation, cleansing and detoxing on all levels
  3. Pranayama breathing techniques
  4. Taiji Quan (Tai Chi)
  5. Swimming
  6. Aerobic exercises – simple ones like a treadmill , elliptical machines, or even just walking (swing your arms)
  7. Oxygenation training – Frolov Device and Bouteyko methodsWalking
  8. Rebounding – excellent source of oxygen and immune building (see book The Cancer Answer)
  9. Sports like tennis, basketball
  10. Hiking

Move it or lose it as they say! Whatever works for you but be consistent.


  1. Recover tired and injured organs and glands – start with the colon cleanse with a super effective oxygen-based, convenient colon cleanse
  2. Remove toxins
  3. Increase oxygenation
  4. Increase Digestion, absorption and elimination
  5. Remove heavy metals
  6. Flush the liver – liver cleanse
  7. Remove parasites
  8. Strengthen the kidneys
  9. Lose weight
  10. Have more energy

4. NUTRIENT DENSE PLANT BASED NUTRITION (food lists can be expanded to additional items)

  1. Land Vegetables (Cucumbers, squash, tomatoes, sweet potatoes) – Antioxidants, vitamins and minerals
    1. Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale and cabbage) – Anti-cancer, SOD support, mineral dense
    2. Root vegetables (carrots, daikon, radish, beets) – Anti-cancer, oxygenating, natural ATP production, anti-oxidants – Beets especially are abundant in nitric oxide which increases/relaxes arterial circulation and oxygen availability
  2. Sea Vegetables (dulse, kelp, nori, wakame, arame) – highest alkaline food on the planet – loaded with minerals especially iodine for thyroid support
  3. Fruit – (berries, bananas, avocados, dragon fruit, kiwi, papaya, pineapple, mango, durian, langka) – Natural ATP energy production, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, water
  4. Leafy Greens (kale, spinach, collard greens, turnip greens, romaine, chard and beet greens, bak choi, dandelion greens, carrot greens) – SOD support, alkalizing, mineral dense, iron and oxygen support, antioxidant-rich, vitamin K
  5. Sprouts:
    1. Sprouted Greens (alfalfa, sunflower, bean like mung or adjuki, radish) – Anti-cancer, anti-inflammation, oxygen boosting, extremely mineral dense
    2. Sprouted Grains/Seeds (rye, buckwheat, wheat, flax) – Organic and always sprouted is the key – Loaded with protein, good for ATP energy production, B vitamin string
  6. Microgreens (Wheatgrass, barley grass, kale microgreens) – Oxygen rich, anti-inflammation, ATP enhancer, nerve regenerative, nutrient rich (a shot of wheatgrass juice is like 20 pounds of raw vegetables)
  7. Healthy Fats – support cell membrane health, improves cellular respiration, reduces inflammation, great source of protein:
    1. Nuts (almonds, cashews, pistachio, pecans, Brazil nuts, pine nuts, macadamia nuts) – Rich in antiinflammation omega 3, reduce insulin resistance
    2. Seeds (sunflower, flax, chia, hemp
    3. Algae (algal) – this is the source for fish and fish oil
    4. Greens (purslane, spinach, collard greens, turnip greens) – Rich in omega 3
    5. Fruit (avocados, durian) – Fun way to add healthy fats
  8. Root Vegetables (carrots, daikon, beets, parsnips) – nutrient rich, high in anti-oxidants
  9. Mushrooms (button, portabella, reishi, maitake, shitake) – SOD support, immune building, nutrient dense. anti-cancer
  10. Fermented Food (natto, vegan yoghurt, vegan kefir, sauerkraut, gut shot sauerkraut water, fermented vegetables)
    1. Immune and gut building (70% of our immune system is in the gut)
    2. Anti-inflammation
    3. Increases neurotransmitters (80% neurotransmitters like serotonin come from the gut)
    4. Create essential enzymes


  1. Increasing oxygen –

Poly-MVA exists as a nutritional supplement that is unique to free radical biology, since palladium is a transition mineral that can catalyze aerobic respiration, thus mimicking our cells electron transport chain. This enhanced ability to both accept and donate charge has significant physiological implication. By utilizing this novel redox molecule we have demonstrated in our studies the ability to take advantage of the metabolic dysfunction and help support proper cellular function. In contrast, the supplemental energy provides a boost to other cells. Furthermore, since this LAMC formulation is a potent free radical scavenger, it attenuates reperfusion-induced cell damage. (*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease..)  [8]


Most cancer is a result of hypoxia, an oxygen deficiency. This was proven by Nobel Prize Winner Otto Warburg for his work, twice, starting the early part of the last century, and has been confirmed by many scientists for decades.


[1] Hydrogen, Bicarbonate, Magnesium and ATP, Dr Sircus Ac., OMD, https://drsircus.com/general/hydrogen-bicarbonate-magnesium-and-atp/, published December 2018 retrieved February 4, 2019

[2] Poisoned Planet, Slate News, https://slate.com/technology/2014/07/the-great-oxygenation-event-the-earths-first-mass-extinction.html, retrieved February 3, 2019

[3] Astrobiology, The Rise of Oxygen, https://www.astrobio.net/news-exclusive/the-rise-of-oxygen/, retrieved Feb 3, 2019

[4] How does DNA let you Grab Oxygen, Helix.com, https://blog.helix.com/hemoglobin-sickle-cell-weekly-gene/, retrieved February 4, 2019

[5] Bioelectronics and Cancer,Szent-Györgyi, A. J Bioenerg Biomembr (1973) 4: 533. https://doi.org/10.1007/BF01516207, retrieved Feb 3, 2019

[6] Science Direct, Physiology of Aging, https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306987718310326?dgcid=raven_sd_aip_email, retrieved January 28, 2019

[7] Connors Clinic, https://www.connersclinic.com/cancer-poly-mva/, retrieved January 1, 2019

[8] PolyMva Website, https://polymva.com/information-packet/, detailed download p5, retrieved January 1, 2019