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Just Breathe – Oxygen Cellular Medicine
Being Happier and Improving Health One Breath at a Time
Based on our natural physiology, we are oxygen machines. The key is to optimize the uptake of this vital resource. This is what we cover in this workshop.
- Improve our physical oxygen management and uptake through the breath
- Improve the quality of cellular hydration and oxygenation through our water and diet
- Improve the circulation and delivery of oxygen and nutrients throughout the body
- Be empowered with the knowledge of how proper oxygenation prevents disease
What you will experience
- Breath Retraining Device Training
- Advanced Hydration Sources
- Advanced Hydration Healing Foods
Workshop Outline
- About Joe Lucier
- Great Oxygen Event
Problem – What is Disease?
- Immune System Conditions – Inflammation
- Oxygen Deficiency Conditions like cancer
- Oxygenation through Increasing Oxygen into the tissues
- increasing alkalinity
- reducing Inflammation
- improved hydration techniques
- infrared light techniques for the 4th phase of water and improved microcirculation
Questions Answered by this Workshop:
- Are we breathing properly for optimal health and oxygenation?
- How do we improve oxygen uptake?
- How do we get more oxygen from water, food and light
- What is the true cause of cancer?
- Why does acidity negatively impact our health?
- Can we easily take charge of our breath and oxygen management?
How It Works:
- People join online – They make one of the 4 Choices
- We use zoom and will send you all the information and the link for signing up
- We see each other on the computer – if desired, or you just listen in and watch
Why take this workshop?
- Understand how to maximize oxygen into the body
- Learn techniques to improve oxygen health
- Understand disease – Do Not Fear Disease!
- Take Charge of your Life with the Truth
- Take Action – Learn steps you can take today to fight the major conditions of our lives
Who should view this workshop?
- Family
- Friends
- Practitioners and medical professionals of all kinds
- Nurses and doctors
- People with asthma and breathing issues
Training Presenter: Joseph Lucier AOBTA
- 8-Time Author – Tam Healing System Illustrated Anatomy and Healing Strategies, The Nature of Cancer, The Truth about Depression, Bioelectricity the Forgotten Paradigm, Disease Prevention; 101 Scientific Facts and the Dairy Contrarian
- Director and International Education Officer
- In charge of the Anusara Path to Wellness Cleansing and Detox Programs and
- In charge of the Anusara Path to Wellness Training Academy as well as Healing and Educational Skills Workshops
- Tui Na Licensed Chinese Medicine Bodywork Therapist 25 years (AOBTA) (
- Tong Ren: Distance healing practitioner with worldwide clients – Healing Without Borders
- Plant Based Nutrition Coach
- Yoga Instructor
Four Workshop Options:
- Workshop Only [$95]: Live 4 Hour Zoom Live Workshop
- Workshop + Books [$125]: Zoom Live Workshop + 3 Supplies Kit
- Workshop + Course [$275]: Zoom Live Workshop + Online Cancer Course
- Workshop + Books + Course [$300]: Zoom Live Workshop + 3 Supplies Kit + Online Cancer Course
Register Here