COVID 2024

The info in this list is split up into the categories of:
A. Prevention,
B. Possible Exposure
C. Acute/Symptomatic
D. Post Symptom Stage

A. *Prevention

1. Optional…Elderberry syrup or tincture:  1 tsp 1-2x/day

2. Optional…Garlic, Ginger, Lemon Tea:
To 3 quarts water add;  1 bulb of Garlic, chopped finely;
approx 2” of Ginger, chopped finely;
Juice of 1 Lemon.
Bring water with garlic and ginger to a boil for a minute; turn down and Simmer 20 minutes;

To add in more powerful anti-viral help…

5 mins before turning off the simmering heat, add about 2 heaping TBS of fresh White Pine Needles (cut into 1/4” pieces), after 5 minutes turn off the heat and let this all steep for another 10 mins.
Also, can add Star Anise,1tsp powder, with the pine needles.
(The white pine needle and star anise tea is great on it’s own as well).

And, you can try adding Astragalus root to this tea (*Only use the astragalus at the Prevention and Post stages),

1 tsp…add it with the garlic and ginger

After the heat is turned off, add the lemon.
Strain and drink 1-3 cups a day.

3.  Vitamin C:  1000-2000mg 2-3x daily.

4.  Vitamin D3:  1000 IUs 3-5x daily.

5.  Zinc:  30-50mg 1-2x/daily, With Food!  (Take zinc with quercetin)

6.  Quercetin:  500mg; 1-2 caps 2x/ daily.

7.  Optional…NAC caps:  600mg 2x/day With food (Ie.,breakfast and dinner)

8.  Selenium:  200mcg 1x/day


B. **Possible Exposure…What to do???:

1. Oil of Oregano (This is Not the essential oil, this is the plant infused oil, in the dropper bottle):  Take 1-2 drops directly in your mouth or mix with 3 drops of favorite oil…take 1-3x daily (Very strong!  But, very effective!)

2.  Colloidal Silver:  (30-120ppm) 30 drops 2-3x daily

3.  Elderberry syrup or tincture:  1 tsp 2-3x/day

Optional…T’s Anti-viral tincture:  60 drops (2 droppers) every 2 hours for 48 hours, then 4-6x/day

5. Optional… Tea: Garlic, Ginger, Lemon etc. tea:  (No Astragalus in this tea! That is only for prevention and post illness stages) (Check above in Prevention section for instructions)

6.  Vitamin C:  2000mg every 2 hours, until you’re better.  Take to “bowel tolerance”, if experience loose stools, reduce next dose by 1000mg.

7.  Vitamin D3:  2000 IUs every 2 hours, for 5-7 days (want to get at least 10,000IU’s/day at this stage)

8.  Quercetin:  500mg; 2-4x/day, with food.

9.  Zinc:  30-50mg 1-3x/day, With Food!  *Take 3-5 days then reassess.

(Best to take zinc with quercetin)

10.  NAC caps:  600mg 2x/day, With food (Ie.,breakfast and dinner)

11.  Selenium:  200mcg 1x/day

12.  Homeopathic Arsinicum Album…take 3-5 pellets 3x/day, for about 5 days

***If person has any of the following new symptoms;
Increase in or high blood pressure, decrease of or low blood pressure, heart palpitations, tachycardia (abnormally fast heart rate), or A-fib (abnormal heart rhythm)…
Contact your medical doctor.
If need further treatment for these symptoms, consult a functional medical doctor, naturopathic doctor or herbalist, etc.

C. ***Acutely Symptomatic:

Treat up to 14 days depending on symptoms, keep re-assessing.
Do as many of the following supplements and remedies as possible if you are sick!!  Stay with it!
When beginning to feel better, careful not to let up on treatment, symptoms can quickly increase again!
Also, to prevent long-hauler’s covid, stay with the treatments until you are symptom free.

1. Steam with essential oils:   At least 3x/day (This is soooo important to do!!!).

Directions-Bring a 1-2 inches of water in a pot to a simmer, shut off heat.  Drop into the water the essential oil of eucalyptus and any or all of the following essential oils:
5 drops of eucalyptus, 2 drops of lavender, 2 drops of pine, 1 drop of thyme, 1 drop of rosemary.
Put a towel over your head, “ tenting” the pot of water…close eyes…take slow and deep breaths, alternating through your nose and mouth.
Do this for a few minutes…if the essential oil has evaporate add more.  Repeat.
Do at least 3x/day!

2. Oil of Oregano (This is not the essential oil, this is the plant infused oil, in the dropper bottle):  Take 1-2 drops directly in your mouth OR mix with 3 drops of favorite oil…take every 2 hours

3.  Colloidal Silver:  (30-120ppm) 1tsp every 2 hours; can also be sprayed in sinuses, mouth used as a liquid.

4.  Elderberry syrup or tincture:  1-2 tsps 3-6x/daily

5.  T’s Anti-viral tincture:  60 drops (2 droppers) every hour for 48 hours, then 4-6x/daily.

6.  T’s Breathe Easy tincture:  40-60 drops every 2 hours.

7.  ***Tea: Garlic, Ginger, Lemon (Pine needle, star anise) etc tea. **No Astragalus in this tea, that is only for prevention and post illness stages. (See above instructions in Prevention section)

8.  Vitamin C:  2000mg every 2 hours until you’re better; take to bowel tolerance (see above in Possible Exposure section for instructions)

9.  Vitamin D3:  2000 IUs every 2 hours, until after you are symptom free

10.  Zinc:  50mg 2-3x/day, With Food!  Do 3-5 days then assess. Viruses use up a lot of Zinc!!!  Zinc and quercetin need to be taken together!

11.  Quercetin:  500mg; 1-2 caps every 2 hours

12.  NAC caps:  600mg 2x/day, With food (Ie.,breakfast and dinner)

13.  Selenium:  200mcg 1x/daily

14. If it goes into lungs- T’s Deep Lung Tea:  1-Heaping TBS to 5 cups water….bring to boil, quickly turn down to a simmer…strain and drink 3-4 cups/day

15.  Oblas pastilles…great herbal cough drops, can stop a coughing fit!

16.  Old Indian Wild Cherry Bark Syrup (by Planetary Herbals)…great cough syrup.

***If a person has any of the following new symptoms;

increase in or high blood pressure, decrease of or low blood pressure, heart palpitations, tachycardia (abnormally rapid heart rate), A-fib (abnormal heart rhythm), Contact your medical doctor.
If need further treatment for these symptoms, consult with a functional medical doctor, a naturopathic doctor or an herbalist, etc.

D. *Post Symptom/Healing Stage

**To prevent long hauler’s covid, It is highly suggested to continue treating all cases…sometimes for a few weeks or possibly a few months following clearing of the last symptoms.
Best to reassess with your doctor and herbalist as to what doses and how long to continue with treatment at this time.

1. Optional…Elderberry syrup or tincture:  1 tsp 1-2x/day

2. Optional…Garlic, Ginger, Lemon Tea:
To 3 quarts water add;  1 bulb of Garlic, chopped finely;
approx 2” of Ginger, chopped finely;
Juice of 1 Lemon.
Bring water with garlic and ginger to a boil for a minute; turn down and Simmer 20 minutes;

To add in more powerful anti-viral help…

5 mins before turning off the simmering heat, add about 2 heaping TBS of fresh White Pine Needles (cut into 1/4” pieces), let this all simmer for another 10 mins.
Also, can add Star Anise,1tsp powder, with the pine needles.
(The white pine needle and star anise tea is great on it’s own as well).

And, you can try adding Astragalus root and Reishi mushroom to this tea (*Only use the astragalus at the Prevention and Post stages),

1 tsp…add it with the garlic and ginger

After the heat is turned off, add the lemon.
Strain and drink 1-3 cups a day.

3.  Vitamin C:  1000-2000mg 2-3x daily.

4.  Vitamin D3:  1000 IUs 3-5x daily.

5.  Zinc:  30-50mg 1-2x/daily, With Food!  (Take zinc with quercetin)

6.  Quercetin:  500mg; 1-2 caps 2x/ daily.

7.  Optional…NAC caps:  600mg 2x/day With food (Ie.,breakfast and dinner)

8.  Selenium:  200mcg 1x/day

For heart involvement- you may add hawthorn berry, motherwort, willow in any form.

Just in “normal” life, we have personally found the oil of oregano to be a game changer, when we start to feel our immune systems wavering…or when we start getting any mucus symptoms.
It’s really strong, but as an anti-viral and anti-microbial, it really works!

And the colloidal silver has been so helpful for us to take with the first sign of any viral symptoms, whether one is feeling flu like or getting a cold sore/viral outbreak (try putting the colloidal silver directly on your lip with the first sign of cold sore, it usually helps to clear it up…along with taking L-lysine and lemon balm herb etc)…

Also, we love the tea…we make the garlic/ginger/lemon tea, have it around all winter…we drink a cup every day or every other day…and now we add the white pine needles and we add star anise too…sooooooo good!

Tommy’s formulas: Don’t worry if you can’t find all ingredients, do your best.
Anti-viral Tincture:   3pts Echinacea, 3pts biacal skullcap, 2pts Andrographis, 2pts lomatium, 2pts isatis, 2pts red rt, 2pts ginger, 2pts pomegranate, 2pts elderberry, 1pt licorice
Clear Lungs:  For clearing the air ways and lungs and expectoration.   3pts mullein, 3pts elecampane, 2pts wild cherry bk, 2pts sage, 2pts marshmallow, 2pts wild lettuce, 1.5pts cinnamon, 1pt licorice, 2pts pleurisy rt, 2pts thyme, 1pt bee balm, 1 pt lobelia.
Deep lung tea:   For pneumonia, bronchitis, pleurisy:   3pts comfrey lf, 2pts calendula, 2pts coltsfoot, 2pts elecampane, 2pts horehound, 2pts mullein, 2pts peppermint, 1.5 pts pleurisy, 1pt ginger, 1pt licorice, 1 pt marshmallow, 1pt wild lettuce, 1/2pt lobelia, 1/2pt thuja lf,
Peace & blessings,
Tommy & Karen